This is one of my favorite games,and one of those which I won't ever forget.It has an amazing story ,and about the game play... UNIQUE!There are so many ways for this game to be played,so many choices and passing ways,different character reactions,different endings.I've played it 4 times till now,and every ending of my games was different .Also my endings were different from a friends of mine who played it also several times XD Really you must play it to see what I mean,it is difficult to tell,no word nor videos ,game-play trailers and so can express the feeling of playing it.But I will try to show you a little of the game's beauty :)After that we can see the review from IGN :)
My friends...ENJOY ;)

This is the Debut Trailer :)



Game Review by Cam_IGN_AU

October 7, 2012 Are you getting sick of playing games that don’t actually let you play? You know the ones I mean: they funnel you down a narrow path, don’t give you much freedom in what you can do, and rely on cinematic set pieces to drive the spectacle. I am, and that’s why Dishonored is such a refreshing experience. It picks up where games like Deus Ex and BioShock left off, and puts choice back in the hands of the player.

As Corvo Attano, protector to an Empress, players find themselves in Dunwall, a grimy port city whose population is being decimated by a rat-born plague. It’s an industrial setting; a fishing town grown rich off the back of the whale oil that powers the city’s circuits. It’s also a hive of corruption, political machinations and power grabbing, and this all comes to the fore when the Empress is assassinated, and Corvo sets out to avenge her death.

That vengeance can take many forms. Unlike so many video game protagonists, Corvo is not pre-ordained to be a mass murderer. The entire game can be completed without killing a single person, so guards can be avoided or knocked unconscious, and non-lethal options can be found for assassination targets.

(more from the review on IGN )

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